Google maps, Everyone now a days have to rely on it in many ways. If you have used that map(I'm damm sure you have) then you must have seen the the red, orange or yellow lines on the path, ever wondered how those are identified, or how google map knows about the traffic status, here you can find the full account about how google know about the traffic status.
There is no need to tell how great the google is in the field of data collection or croudsourcing data, everybody knew it.
Understanding google colour scheme for route status:
Red : Heavy Traffic
Orange : light traffic
Yellow : Slower speed
Green : No Traffic
How google maps know about the traffic status?
Basically google is master in doing crowdsourcing data, yes it means you are the one who is providing all these data of the route status, you are helping google every time you pick up your phone unlock it or sometimes even without unlocking, I'm pretty sure you are unknown to the fact that you are unknowingly helping some trillion dollar company to pay their staffs, well yes it is true af.
How google map path color mechanism works:
Google is worlds no.1 artificial intelligence company, what do you think? aren't they smart enough to pour the data from your device without you knowing? Yes! they do. And there is nothing you can help yourself with.
Google constantly keeps your location on track and uses your device accelerometer data to determine the speed if you are moving constantly for few minutes on road with some considerable amount of speed. For ex if initially you were moving with a speed of 60 km/h, and you suddenly deaccelerate to 20 km/h, google sees it, as it was tracking you since you were out with your phone, if the same case happened with another person on the same road at the same time then google map will show that area as red or orange.
Now you may be thinking for the people living nearby roads or standing in markets, isn't their data confuse the app,? The answer is no! This data is only taken by the users who were constantly moving initially with some speed.
How google map takes your data:
As we all know that the operating system in our phone "android" is made by google, it can do anything google wants, but google being a very reputed company it never steal your data, but somehow manage take permission to use location and accelerometer sensor, in this way it is taking your data.
Thanks for stopping by and reading this stuff, if you think we made any mistake, feel free to comment.