Increase safety over wifi

 Being safe on the internet is nearly impossible, and if you don't know the vulnerabilities caused by improper use of wifi networks then your privacy is at stake, here is the full account of some do's and dont's you should go for.

Here are the some ways

  • Stop random people connecting to your wifi

 It is recommended to not share your private networks to random people as they may exploit the network by finding the weak spots and may intrude into your system.

  • Never connect to the public networks.

You should not connect to the private networks like coffee shops and library, they are not secure at all. There may be any miscreant sitting over that network and can sniff your data without you knowing it. This is not at all difficult for anyone having least knowledge of hacking. You can also read the article about What a hacker can see through your wifi.

  • Never go for free wifi

No one provides anything for free. If your data is more valuable than the free wifi then you can go for it, in short they are just charging your privacy for the free wifi.

  • keep a strong and long password for your router

It is not easy to connect to your network if your router have a strong password. So always use a strong and long password with special characters, It is nearly impossible to crack a wifi password if the password is more than 8 characters and special characters in it.

  • Disable the wps push button on your router.

Disable the wps push button from your router, it has many weak points  that is why it can be easily exploited. You can disable it by going to the settings of your router.

  • Use ethernet cable 

If it is possible, then use ethernet cable directly from your router, it will be more safe then any means.

there is a full article in what data can be leaked from the wifi click here

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