What are the Informations an android app can see

 Privacy now a days is a big concern for everyone, but the irony is, no one can't do anything to be 100% secure over the internet. But being concerned about your data is a good habit, we have come up with the things which a random app from your phone can see without any hassle.

Following are the things that any app on your phone can use without you knowing.

  • Your photos and videos

If you have given the permission to view photos and videos than the app can see and change your directories to their servers. They take those data in the name of proper functioning of the app but many times those are not the case. They can use it anywhere, though they are not legally right but who's going to see.

  • You files and documents

The same is with the documents also, The apps can see any documents on your hard drive without you asking everytime. If you don't want them to see those then just turn off those permission in the app information in the settings of your device.

  • Camera

This is a bit awkward that your apps have the permissions to access your camera anytime. It is possible that when you are chilling in your room some app administrator is seeing you and you'll never know. But good for us, the new versions of android send you the notification if any app is using the camera or microphone in the background.

  • Microphone

The same rule applies for the microphone permission also. 

  • SMS

This is the main flaw that is overlooked by many of us, Many people gives the permission to read the sms to any app, You just think for a moment, why a application named flashlight should see your sms? Giving the permission any unknown app to read sms means giving them all your otp and your personal information to that app, think what if that app misused your otp, then what you'll do? So avoid giving sms permission to any random app.

  • Contacts and call logs

The apps can see all your saved contacts and also your call logs, the persons you have talked to, the duration of your calls everything, avoid giving those permissions to the useless apps.

  • Location

The apps can use your location for their own tasks, They may track your movements and show you the results according to them.

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