Monitor your activity on your phone.

 Now a days the addiction of smartphone is too much and it is not so rare that due to a smartphone addiction your task may get slipped from your mind, there is a ways you can check your smartphone activity and manage to reduce the screen time. This can be achieved through digital wellbeing.

What is a digital wellbeing?

Digital well being is the inbuilt feature of the android, which rolled out with android 9 update. It shows you the screen time and have bunch of features which allow users to manage their tasks according to the schedule.

How to monitor your activity using digital well being?

You can find the digital wellbeing application in the settings menu in all android 9 or above smartphone.
Whenever you open the app you'll see your screen active time of that day and the time distribution of the app you spent time on. 
In the circular chart, you can click on the particular app to have a detailed inspection of it.

There are many options like gray scale and timer to the apps by which you can increase your productivity.

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